On this basis, we design and manufacture special electromechanical system and subsystems for military vessels, as well as determining and supplying the most efficient handling accessories and equipment package that fits best for customer’s specific requirements of the project under consideration.
Our customizable marine aviation systems capabilities range from design and manufacturing of helicopter and fighter carriage, transfer and towing vehicles to supply of aircraft operations accessories. Thanks to our comprehensive experience acquired in turnkey helideck projects we have delivered to warships, yachts and many different purpose-build vessels for more than 15 years; we offer a full service package that includes full consultancy, structural design and dynamic impact FEA analysis of the deck, surface coating with marking scheme, Helicopter Visual Landing Aid Systems (HVLAS), Helicopter Operation Environmental Monitoring Systems (HMS), helicopter in-flight refuelling systems (HIFR), deck integrated or monitor waterball firefighting systems.
ENMARES also carries out all necessary processes required for issuance of official and worldly recognized helideck certification and deliver the official helicopter platform build certificate within the standard project package, for both military and civil platforms. We undertake all the responsibility from our customers’ shoulders and deliver complete aviation facilities certified by end-user navy or HCA (Helicopter Certification Agency), depending upon its being military or civil application.